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What is Vashna MeenaKee? The difference between Vashna MeenaKee and traditional Reiki branches.

Vashna MeenaKee is not merely a conventional energy healing method; it is "an art of living – a path, a journey for each individual to return to Emptiness."

The rebranding from Usuha Reiki to Vashna MeenaKee is not merely a change in brand identity but an action to honor the origins and true essence of the method we have preserved and passed down since its inception.

Throughout its journey of development, the method and brand of Vashna Group were once called Vashna MeenaKee as a tribute to the predecessors of Reiki history – Master Mikao Usui. However, from its very beginnings, the method we convey has always operated from MeenaKee energy – the primordial creative energy of the universe, carrying high vibrational frequencies and a balance of yin and yang.

MeenaKee is not just an energy flow but the essence of all transformation. It is a bridge guiding humans back to their true nature, unlocking their inner power, and spreading balance to the community. Therefore, the name change to Vashna MeenaKee serves as a clearer and more complete affirmation of the true value of the method we have been creating, while aligning more closely with the mission and ecosystem Vashna Group is building.

Vashna MeenaKee is a method of connecting to and utilizing the energy originating from the dawn of creation – the most primordial energy that formed the universe, known as the Source of Creation, with its essence called MeenaKee. MeenaKee, the universe’s primordial energy, possesses absolute intelligence and far surpasses Reiki or other known cosmic energy sources currently accessible to humanity.

With an extremely high vibrational frequency polarized with the supreme balance of yin and yang in the universe, combined with the transmission of a balanced yin-yang essence, this energy carries an immense electromagnetic field. As it flows through the body, it penetrates deeply at the cellular level, activating the body's components to return to their original vibrational frequency over time.

For this reason, Vashna MeenaKee represents a pathway – a "Journey Back to Emptiness" – a return to the original source that no other existing method can offer in the journey of human life.

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You might find this strange and hard to believe, and that is completely understandable, especially in the context of this era of chaos and destruction, where materialism reigns and morality declines – an era of Dharma’s end and the widespread emergence of "false masters." Therefore, you don’t need to question whether to believe; instead, let your innate wisdom guide you, let your virtue show you the way.

The presence of Kim or the emergence of MeenaKee in these turbulent times is not meant for you to judge or compare beliefs but to allow those who seek truth to see the truth, to allow those praying for a path to find that path. MeenaKee might provide answers to every question that stirs in your heart throughout your journey. Every path is valid, and none is wrong, but MeenaKee is the fastest, most effective path – one you can only encounter but never seek in this era.

This is not a path of spiritual practice that separates you from society. It does not promise unrealistic visions of future lives because the future awaiting us is one of storms, filled with challenges and upheavals. This is a path of enlightened awareness, a path of action, a path of comprehensive transformation in this very moment, right now, to achieve a joyful and blissful life in this very existence.

The merit of each soul is accumulated through countless lifetimes of experience. No one can purchase merit with material wealth, and no soul can become “a Buddha” in just one lifetime. The karmic conditions have brought you here to hear these words. If you have the merit to receive them, embrace them with joy. If not, then depart according to your choice. MeenaKee has appeared, and is here, to prepare you for the changes of the future – and the choice is entirely yours.

From Emptiness, returning to Emptiness.

A person’s life is often spent striving, competing, trampling over one another, clinging to "Having." But in the end, all things return to "Emptiness." This is the root cause of all suffering and illness – because wisdom has not been realized, faith is not firm, and desires still bind.

In today’s life, few can confidently say, "I can completely let go of all attachments." When lessons arise and upheavals occur, we often abandon our beliefs and get swept up in the whirlpool of society, of material survival, of the collective mindset. Only when lessons are repeated with pain and unhappiness do we realize what we have lost.

In the end, perhaps the most important things in life are simply living with a healthy body, a clear mind, and a meaningful, beneficial life for oneself and the ones we love.

So, how can we live freely, truly happily, even when we understand the impermanence of life? How can we heal from suffering and loss? How can we overcome a body full of wounds and illness? And how can we remain healthy when unexpected upheavals occur?

In recent years, you’ve likely heard the term “healing” frequently, in various contexts of life. Somewhere, “healing” may even have been given a “toxic” connotation, as people exploit it for worldly, impure purposes. However, much like the Covid pandemic or natural disasters that increasingly occur with high frequency, continuously disrupting the balance of our beautiful planet, this is part of a “grand plan,” a necessary process that forces humanity to reflect on what truly needs to be done in the face of ongoing and future upheavals.

Have you ever asked yourself questions like:

  • “I’m healthy, so why would I need healing?”

  • “What exactly is healing?”

  • “With young people increasingly suffering strokes, cancers, tumors, respiratory issues, and mysterious illnesses… Is my life truly safe?”

  • “Will the future truly bring only good things?”

  • “Is healing just a creative marketing strategy?”


If you’re grappling with unresolved issues, searching for answers to difficult questions, or simply curious about the MeenaKee path, I invite you to sit down with a warm cup of tea, soft music, and an open heart. Set aside judgment and comparison for a moment to listen to the insights shared by Vashna Thien Kim as she introduces a journey of “healing” and the path of Vashna MeenaKee.

vashna thiên kim uống trà, usuha reiki

Choice – The Starting Point of Great Journeys

Every human lifetime carries its own lessons, its own "karma" as a part of the baggage of experiences shaped by the values and outcomes of previous lives, aiming to fulfill the purpose of the current existence. Each life is a chance to learn, a step forward in the soul's journey of advancement. Whether one is the Buddha, Jesus Christ, or an ordinary person, everyone must undergo a "journey of overcoming lessons" before they can achieve enlightenment, become a great individual, or gain reverence and admiration from others.

Whether a soul bears a grand mission, has achieved high levels of spiritual cultivation, or is simply here to experience its lessons, all are born into a family, with a mother and father, and must navigate the human experience. They face trials, lessons, temptations, opposition, and betrayal, making choices that launch their journey.

Ask yourself: if given the choice, would you have the courage to walk the path of Jesus Christ—betrayed, crucified, and enduring immense pain? Or to relinquish all wealth and luxury, silently parting from family and loved ones to embark on a quest for life's true meaning and the path to liberation, as the Buddha chose through ascetic practice?

Stripping away the divine and resplendent layers of religious figures, if you possess sufficient wisdom, you will see that every soul has endured a challenging journey. Every great individual in human history did not inherit their position or prestige; they earned it through the courageous choices they made while facing the trials of their journey.

Similarly, Kim came into this life with her own journey—a path fraught with heavy upheavals and profound challenges to recognize, to choose, and to achieve. Kim once lived as the quintessential modern woman—beautiful, stylish, and talented—leading a life many young women in today's society dream of: owning luxurious possessions, being the center of opulent parties, and being surrounded by an unimaginable abundance.

vashna thiên kim

Then, along the journey, lessons emerged, choices were made, and layers of the onion were peeled away one by one, paving the way for the image of a serene Thiên Kim, embracing the lifestyle of a yogi. She chose to eat simply, meditate, and focus her energy on serving life with unwavering determination. The specifics of her transformation are reserved for her self-narrative book, which aims to inspire you. There are many remarkable stories about Kim’s journey, accompanied by tangible evidence for you to explore. For now, in this story, it suffices to know that Kim could have easily chosen to continue her life as the glamorous Thiên Kim in a world of luxury, staying comfortably within the tempting and alluring role that society offered. She did not have to choose a challenging path of ‘overcoming ease’ and ‘overcoming hardship’ to discover and bring to the world the wonders of creation. Yet, Kim chose selfless giving and took the steps toward her mission.

For, regardless of who they are, whether they have a mission or not in this world, no one is automatically placed into their destined role. Instead, they must undergo refinement, forged through the fire of pain. They must overcome challenges and lessons to achieve clarity and be ready to let go and give selflessly. Pain is the greatest teacher in this world. People learn their most profound lessons daily through suffering, poverty, hardships, and illness. These are opportunities for awakening, blessings in disguise, allowing one to become truly aware. Only when a person can walk this path selflessly does their greatest journey begin, albeit in different degrees for each individual.

Thiên Kim: Youth and Unique Traits

Kim was born into a traditional family with a distinguished lineage—her paternal side consisted of three generations of teachers, while her maternal side included three generations of doctors, pharmacists, and medical practitioners who made significant contributions and earned great respect in society. Kim’s family provided her with everything she needed to study and develop comprehensively from a young age. Many acquaintances described her upbringing as being ‘born at the finish line’ or ‘born with a silver spoon,’ as her life path seemed to be meticulously planned and paved with red carpets from the moment she was born.

One remarkable difference compared to most people is that Kim, from a young age, displayed very unusual phenomena. These are now understood as innate psychic abilities, natural energy sensitivity, and other capabilities. She could hear voices within herself, connect, perceive, and communicate with animals, plants, and even non-physical entities. For a young girl unfamiliar with such phenomena, these unusual experiences significantly impacted her mental and emotional state.

Kim often shared these strange occurrences with her parents. Her father, a gentle man with profound wisdom, couldn’t explain what was happening to his daughter. He chose to advise her not to share these things with anyone else, as society would not easily accept such experiences and it could adversely affect her life. Following her father’s advice, Kim tried to suppress these abilities, keeping them to herself, and lived as an ordinary girl in society.

However, as she grew and developed, these abilities only intensified as if driven by an irresistible force. Strange occurrences became more frequent. Not only did she feel joy and happiness when connecting with nature, animals, and plants, but she also had to endure uncomfortable, erratic emotions when sensing the pain and despair of others or unintentionally hearing the thoughts of those around her.

Beyond this, vivid images, scenarios, and unfamiliar people she had never met began appearing increasingly in her thoughts and dreams—yet these experiences felt as though they were happening right before her eyes. Kim gradually realized that these were events from the past, even involving her own soul’s experiences recorded deep in her subconscious…

Yet, because she kept everything to herself, Kim never delved deeply into understanding or exploring her innate abilities. She endured and lived a typical societal life, experiencing love, hate, and striving for success like any ordinary girl. As a result, even in her seemingly fulfilling, loving past life as Thiên Kim, she carried profound inner wounds, just as many others do:

  • A deep sense of loneliness within a loving home and the misplaced affection of her parents.

  • The pressure to succeed coupled with the fear of failure.

  • Broken relationships resembling dreamy movies that ended unexpectedly.

  • Emptiness despite suppressing emotions to pour all her energy into achieving success—only to find the emptiness unchanged after success.

  • Earning substantial wealth but questioning its purpose after losing everything in a single night due to a sudden fire.

  • Witnessing health deteriorate, feeling powerless against illness, and confronting the impermanence of life: loss, separation...

With a life filled with such societal wounds, Kim began to reflect: If someone born into a privileged family with material, emotional, and educational advantages still harbored so many issues needing ‘healing,’ how many people out there must also need healing?

And so, the starting point of Kim’s healing journey began with these unique traits and through the most challenging and desperate moments of her life.

‘Self-Healing’ and the First Steps on the Path of ‘Healing’

When faced with numerous problems simultaneously—ones that exhaust your body, drain your energy, overwhelm your mind with either emptiness or chaos, destabilize your spirit, and even strip away your faith, motivation, and hope for life—where do you start?

trung tâm usuha reiki, usuha reiki là gì, reiki là gì, năng lượng Reiki, năng lượng chữa bệnh, năng lượng chữa lành

Before becoming the Vashna Thiên Kim of today, Kim spent much time exploring and grappling with the process of self-healing. At that time, “self-healing” did not align with the concepts of Western medicine, Eastern medicine, or any other type of medical practice as seen in hospitals. It simply meant helping herself become more positive, day by day. Kim started by doing nothing—allowing herself to observe and reflect on her inner self.

Next, Kim began by healing her physical body first.

“There cannot be a healthy mind in a weak body.” For this reason, Kim first turned to yoga. However, unlike the majority who focus on practicing yoga poses for physical health, Kim chose to delve into Vedanta Yoga. Vedanta is a school of philosophy within Hinduism that examines the nature of the material world. The term Vedanta is derived from Veda—meaning knowledge—and Anta—meaning the end or conclusion, roughly translated as "Supreme Knowledge." It represents profound philosophical ideas that transform yoga into a way of life, bringing ultimate benefits to both the body and mind.

From the moment Kim began exploring yoga deeply, she recognized the importance of adopting the principles of yoga as a lifestyle—one that cultivates a strong body, sharp intellect, and resilient spirit. Step by step, Kim chose to study with large, reputable international organizations to gain systematic knowledge and deeply practice various disciplines to support a comprehensive and well-rounded journey of healing and awakening. This path focused on addressing issues of the body, mind, and spirit as understood in contemporary society.

However, unlike common perceptions, certificates, qualifications, or professional titles held little meaning or value for Kim. To her, they were merely milestones along the journey of discovering methods and knowledge that have been preserved and passed down in this era.

vashna thiên kim

From that point forward, a profound truth was realized: humans, blinded by ignorance, naively believe that knowledge always comes from external sources. As a result, most cling to degrees and relentlessly chase after fame, status, and reverence. This is a sorrowful mistake. All true knowledge originates from within. The external universe is nothing but a drop in the endless flowing river. For this reason, few people possess the capacity to truly care about the root cause of all problems in order to devise a complete solution. Merely relying on external knowledge, as is commonly done today, will never lead to the source of the issues causing suffering and illness.

Because of this, Kim constantly pondered deeply about solutions—about what path would genuinely help others, about what constitutes proper help, and what form of "healing" is most appropriate.

When we mention this, we cannot forget the heavy devastation caused by natural disasters, especially beginning with the historic floods of 2020. At that time, there were countless charitable programs and relief efforts, and Kim was no exception. Initially, these involved only campaigns to collect and donate material goods. But then Kim realized this approach was not truly effective. She began undertaking direct visits to flooded areas, simultaneously providing support and learning about the needs of specific individuals at the right moments.

These trips opened Kim’s eyes to a broader perspective and a deeper sense of empathy. She observed that the suffering caused by material deprivation is relatively easy to understand and address. Those suffering from hunger can be given meals; those without shelter can be offered a house; those in need of a job can be introduced to one. All of this can be resolved with relative ease and joy.

However, beyond material suffering, there is a far deeper pain—spiritual anguish. Money lost can be earned again, but the pain of loss, the hidden wounds buried deep within one’s psyche, if left unhealed, can linger and torment someone for an entire lifetime. From this realization, along with her journey of introspection, Kim began to acknowledge her innate sensitivity and her energy-reading abilities to support the community.

What once filled Kim with fear—encounters with dark, cold energies or seeing and hearing things not of this world—was now replaced by love and understanding.

All beings are equal. Before belonging to different realms, they were once like us, full of joy, anger, love, and sorrow, and prone to plunging hopelessly into desires and illusions. And do you know? The state of anguish experienced by a closed-off person, endlessly fixated on their pain and resentment, is the same regardless of the dimension they belong to.

If you take the time to observe, you will notice the inexplicable pain surrounding us. It manifests as lingering feelings of hatred, described as “holding a grudge to the grave.” Or as vague fears, like being “born this way” without a clear cause. Sometimes it appears as unexplained issues with the body or mind that no advanced technology can identify or diagnose. Other times, it manifests in erratic, irrational actions—favoring one person immensely while inexplicably disliking another—or in painful, cyclical relationships with no resolution.

In reality, all of these things have very clear causes. The only question is whether we can recognize them.

Of course, because the universe operates by laws, interventions made prematurely or without addressing the root cause will never completely resolve the issue. A kind-hearted desire to help, unaccompanied by clarity and discernment, can lead to unintended consequences, such as "good intentions turning into misfortune" or even being taken advantage of.

At 18 years old, Kim only saw surface-level suffering and eagerly offered material support within her means. Later, she participated in programs supporting those affected by floods, impoverished communities, and people in remote areas. But it wasn’t until Kim had personally experienced her own lessons and explored the inner world that she realized spiritual anguish is the true root of all tragedies.

Can we truly live a life completely smooth and free from bitterness? The only thing we can choose is our attitude when facing challenges and how we navigate through upheavals. There is a truth: everyone fears paying the price, forgetting that if we do not confront our problems head-on, the cost of avoidance can often be far greater. Fear, in reality, does not exist; it is tied to the values people associate with external elements—beauty, wealth, fame, status, power—turning it into a haunting force that governs human behavior.

Once Kim accepted her innate abilities and the knowledge she had accumulated, she turned inward, delving deeper into herself, uncovering and developing her inherent talents. She began to apply these abilities step by step toward “healing” others, aligning with her determined aspiration.

The Pandemic, Natural Disasters, and the First Wave of Awakening

Utilizing her gift for connection and insight, Kim could discern the essence of existing methods—identifying their strengths and shortcomings. This enabled her to adjust and create approaches that produced quicker, more effective results. She applied these practices, guiding people to calmly train themselves, building resilience against natural disasters and diseases. During this period, besides offering material aid, Kim used her clairvoyant abilities to provide free support to the community: hypnosis sessions, energy diagnoses, and tireless coaching sessions to help people remain composed amidst adversity.

For more than a full year, Kim conducted hundreds of hypnosis sessions without charging a single penny. Each session unfolded as a story of life and humanity, filled with personal struggles, imprints of illness, emotional wounds, and inner turmoil.

But the more she worked, the more Kim felt that her contributions were like a drop in the ocean amidst the vast sea of pain engulfing countless lives. There was simply too much suffering, while her capacity remained limited. Even sharing the knowledge she wished to convey was far from easy. Beyond the pains of losing jobs, family conflicts, financial loss, and declining health, people began experiencing states of anxiety and strange conditions directly affecting their breathing and causing sudden heart pain. These serious issues revealed to Kim that things were far more complex than they seemed. She started seeking and contemplating the lessons—the core messages behind these disasters—in order to find a path toward light, both for herself and others.

It became clear: for far too long, humanity had been relentlessly chasing the race for fame, wealth, and material accumulation, neglecting health—breath—life itself. Yet, at the peak of success and glory, no one can save themselves from illness, loss, or death. As one of the wealthiest men in modern history, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, poignantly expressed in his final words: “The most expensive bed in the world is a hospital bed.” Health and happiness cannot be bought with money or seized through power.

The Covid-19 pandemic, following a series of calamities, emerged abruptly like a nightmare, lingering as a harsh slap to humanity. Just as mankind basked in pride over scientific achievements, artificial intelligence, predictive technologies, and countless other advancements, Covid-19 and its variants struck like a jolt, shocking the entire world into awakening to the essence of life and what truly matters.

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And let me reveal to you, the Covid-19 pandemic was not just a global catastrophe bringing despair and immense suffering; it was also the first wave of awakening for humanity in the grand plan of the universe. This wave of awakening did not merely force people to recognize the value of breath and health, which had been neglected through painful losses, but quite literally, a powerful electromagnetic energy wave descended, sweeping across the Earth, activating, altering the cells of those with missions and abilities at various levels, present across the world.

Despite many layers of "ego" and societal life obscuring the truth, these individuals were given the opportunity to truly awaken—not only spiritually, but also physically, in every aspect of life. That is why, after the pandemic, many people began to experience strange transformations, gaining new perceptions and abilities. Many gradually developed the ability to connect, to hear, to see, to feel... different capacities at various levels. Some even became unexpectedly wealthy because they were entrusted with material resources for the collective plan. They began to ask questions, seek answers, and felt an urge to return to the common path to fulfill a higher purpose than their own—carrying out the grand plan of the universe. However, among them were those who, despite realizing the truth, became corrupted and used their abilities with shallow understanding and self-serving intentions. They could not overcome their own egos to return to the path they were meant to walk in the grand plan. But that’s okay, because the next waves of awakening will soon come. Those who are already awake will be supported, and those who have strayed and chosen the wrong path will be eliminated; they will fade away quickly, regardless of what they may possess.

Kim announces this not for you to believe it, but for you to observe and verify it for yourself and those around you. If you are struggling or afraid because of the strange changes occurring within you, in a world that is different from what it once was, rest assured and trust the guidance leading you to unfold your true path. You don’t need to worry about whether you have a mission or abilities. It doesn’t matter, because the plan is for all; some are just entrusted with specific roles to ensure the completion of the grand design.

Kim is well aware of what is to come. She has already passed through the first wave, continuing to explore her abilities, receiving and connecting with the highest source of energy, the MeenaKee energy, and being reborn with profound awareness to become the current Vashna. And it was from that moment that the question, "What is the true healing path? What is the right kind of help?" was answered. Vashna MeenaKee is the path Kim offers to all.

The Awakening Journey and Applying Energy with Intentional Living

Let me take you back to the year 2017 when special events began happening in Kim's life, eventually leading to the formation of the Vashna MeenaKee path. Once fully awakened, Kim understood that everything that happens is a clever arrangement of the universe to make us face, recognize, choose, and transform.

In those years, Kim owned the largest chain of spas in Can Tho City and later a high-end European restaurant, all built entirely by Kim herself. Her social work required her to attend parties and entertain guests. Drinking alcohol and eating meat were not difficult for Kim; in fact, it was quite normal for her, to the point where her family sometimes marveled at her "alcohol tolerance." Kim could consume various types of beer, wine, or any kind of food without getting drunk or experiencing any negative physical reactions. Her physical health was excellent. Everything seemed fine until Kim noticed strange changes in herself, with no clear explanation. The oddity began when Kim was interacting with guests in her restaurant business. Even after drinking only a few glasses of wine, she suddenly experienced intense reactions—her body ached, she continuously expelled toxins, and she even tried drinking different types of alcohol to pinpoint the issue, as her body had never reacted this way before in many years.

In the end, Kim had to accept that her body had changed—it could no longer accept or tolerate these substances. But the situation didn’t stop there. Things got worse when, after eating any kind of protein like beef, pork, fish, or seafood, Kim’s body would break out in hives, swell, itch, feel hot, experience shortness of breath, and hurt. With the medical knowledge she had, Kim knew these were symptoms of acute allergic reactions. Together with her family, Kim visited hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City for various tests, including more than 30 allergy tests, to find out if there was any underlying issue. But the results came back completely normal, and her physical condition was very good. With no answers from conventional medicine, Kim traveled to Hanoi, seeking traditional medicine like many people do, but still found no plausible explanation. The traditional doctor recommended that Kim stop consuming animal protein and switch to lighter meals with fruits and vegetables, and take herbal supplements to detoxify her body and expel toxins. This was the first encounter that led Kim to vegetarianism, not for spiritual reasons, but for her own health.

During this period, even more strange things continued to happen to Kim. Her body suddenly started reacting to the environment, heating up intensely, causing her family to worry. Kim would lie in bed motionless, with her body temperature rising to over 50°C, radiating heat so strongly that, even with the air conditioner set to a very low temperature, everyone who entered the room would sweat. Kim wasn’t feverish; she was simply emitting heat, and her internal organs or body systems weren’t affected in any way. Now Kim understands that during that time, she had unknowingly connected with the high-frequency energy of the universe, and her body was undergoing a profound transformation. This lasted for 2-3 days, and then it stopped, with Kim immediately returning to normal without any adverse effects on her body. Life continued as usual after that, and Kim gradually became accustomed to eating light meals, detoxifying, and not paying attention to the strange events that had occurred. However, through these psychological challenges and strange occurrences, Kim realized many things and decided to stop her business activities, pausing to better understand herself. It wasn’t until two years later, when the Covid-19 pandemic began, that Kim truly awakened, deciding to connect with and consciously use this energetic knowledge, driven by the desire to support her community as she had shared earlier.

When the pandemic occurred, the collective energy of the world truly had a dark and negative hue. We all know that everything is vibration, everything is energy, and every thought we have emits powerful energy. At that time, the energy people were emitting was filled with much sorrow, pain, and fear, so how could someone like Kim, with natural clairvoyant abilities, live normally amidst such an environment? Perhaps this was part of the universe’s plan and preparation. By that time, Kim had been eating light food for about two years for health reasons, so her body had become very light and attuned to the energy and its effects much more clearly than before. It was during this period that every time Kim closed her eyes, she would hear sounds of sorrow, cries for help, gasps for breath, and intense pain... very many, very clearly, which drained her spirit. Each time she heard the sirens of an ambulance or read news reports, Kim would cry profusely, even though none of her family members were infected. Gradually, her empathy intensified.

After a week of the first lockdown, as the global situation worsened, strange things continued happening to Kim. The souls of those who had passed, now existing as negative energy, surrounded Kim in great numbers, radiating extreme sorrow. Kim, being familiar with her abilities, was no longer frightened like she was as a child. Instead, she remained calm, reciting the Great Compassion Mantra to help them, as at that time she did not yet know how to absorb energy from the universe. The simplest way she knew to help was through the energy of the mantras. However, the number of souls grew so large that it was hard to describe, and while the energy of the mantras helped them, the overwhelming number began to affect Kim’s body and energy severely. After a month of this, Kim could barely sleep, and both her body and spirit were completely drained. At this point, she almost didn’t want to help anymore, despite still sharing in their sorrow. She was exhausted and laid down.

It was then that the strange experience from two years ago reoccurred. Kim lay in a semi-conscious state, unable to move, with her body radiating heat, just like before. Later, her family said that Kim had remained in that condition for four days and three nights, without eating or drinking anything.

And then a miracle happened. On the fourth morning, still in that state, Kim suddenly felt a very strong external energy entering her body. Though her eyes were still closed, she could feel a blinding light, like the summer sun, shining directly on the top of her head. At that moment, Kim no longer felt her body or the surroundings. She felt as though she was dissolving into that vast, radiant space. Kim burst into tears like a child, tears of deep emotion, as she was touched by that miraculous light. It felt like a child being embraced and surrounded by the warm, unconditional love of a great mother. These emotions were beyond words, or rather, no words could adequately describe how Kim felt in that moment.

At that very moment, Kim vibrated at the most primordial level of consciousness and realized that everything is one, everything originates from the Source, and everything’s essence is unconditional love. Unconditional love is the starting point, always present in every energy, in every soul, but has been forgotten and buried deep within us through the experiences we go through in this world. Because we have form, a social life, and selfish thoughts, we are clouded by many veils and can’t believe that unconditional love exists, even in the love between parents and children, let alone with strangers. But in truth, unconditional love is real; it has always been there, we just need to acknowledge it and move towards it. The light shone on Kim for a long time, and when she opened her eyes and sat up, it was already late in the evening. The first sensation Kim had when she opened her eyes was that it felt like she had been reborn. She felt refreshed, like a completely new person. She was filled with energy and love, and could feel the unique vibrational frequencies of every tree, flower, and object around her. From that point on, Kim connected with and intentionally applied the primal energy of the universe, known as MeenaKee.

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Whether you believe it or not doesn’t matter to Kim, because her mission is simply to share what has happened. Belief or disbelief is a matter of fate and karmic energy for each individual. It turns out that the miracle is not in Buddha, Christ, or deities, but exists in all things with living energy. Everything that has happened to Kim is not sudden; it is the result of a profound process of transformation. Without darkness, there can be no light. All aspects exist until we can balance them, return to the state of nothingness, and touch the light of the Source. At that point, one will reach enlightenment.

Understanding Reiki and Healing Energy Sources

Since receiving the light from the Source and connecting with the primordial, high-vibration energy known as MeenaKee, Kim has developed the ability to transmit healing energy to others. Her abilities have continued to evolve without stopping. Kim has been tirelessly organizing free programs for the community with the sole intention of helping as many people as possible.

sự kiện Thiền trà tỉnh thức về chữa bệnh bằng năng lượng và thanh tẩy hào quang bằng nước

Hình ảnh sự kiện Thiền trà tỉnh thức về chữa bệnh bằng năng lượng và thanh tẩy hào quang bằng nước

During that time, in a workshop on mindful tea meditation about healing through energy and aura cleansing with water at Green Concept on May 7, 2022 (event link), a female participant noticed the miracle in Kim’s Vashna MeenaKee method and introduced Kim to Reiki. She introduced herself as a Reiki Master-Teacher and was the first to bring Reiki officially to Vietnam for community application. At that time, Kim didn't know what Reiki was, only learning that it also used hands to transmit energy for healing, just like the method Kim was using. Afterward, many people whom Kim had helped expressed their wish for her to learn about Reiki so that she could share her miraculous healing method with more people. Kim thought about it and decided to explore the Reiki method founded by Mikao Usui, but only with the intention of learning more techniques that could help spread her method to more people. However, when Kim began to learn, she found that Reiki had many branches, a complex curriculum, and would require a lot of time, which was not feasible in the context at that time.

A fortunate connection appeared. Through old relationships, Kim had a friend who was willing to help after hearing her share. Due to the nature of his work, he had extensive and deep connections with organizations worldwide, including Reiki organizations. This friend directly contacted the Ryoho Gakkai Reiki – the first official Reiki organization founded by Mikao Usui in Japan to share Kim's abilities and needs. As a reputable international Reiki organization (as her friend shared when introducing it to Kim), Ryoho Gakkai Reiki required students to go through a rigorous and complex learning process to receive certification from levels 1, 2, and 3, up to the highest level of Master-Teacher. However, there was an exception: if someone had real abilities and passed the organization’s certification tests, they could be granted certification without going through the study process.

After receiving approval from the organization, Ms. Lisa Powers, a Master Reiki-Teacher, ranked 9th in the lineage of Ryoho Gakkai Reiki, connected with Kim through Kim’s friend. Ms. Powers was in the U.S. at the time, so online meetings were arranged. During the sessions, Kim and Ms. Powers meditated and used the organization’s specific methods to carry out the tests, such as transmitting energy for the other party to feel, working on the chakras, reading thoughts, and identifying characteristics and issues from a distance. Kim successfully passed the certification process after just a few days. She then received the highest-level Master Reiki-Teacher certification from Ryoho Gakkai Reiki, signed by Ms. Lisa Powers, along with all Reiki materials from the organization sent via personal email.

Many people who do not fully understand may immediately claim that this is like buying a certificate because it is truly difficult to easily accept for anyone who has encountered Reiki. But the truth remains the truth, and in fact, Kim didn't even incur any costs for this process. You can verify it for yourself if you'd like.

Kim Sri did not focus on the certificates she received because, as shared before, having many degrees or certifications does not compare to the value of real results in practice. What Kim cares about is only the desire to refine and create the Vashna MeenaKee method based on her abilities and knowledge, to bring light and help as many people as possible. However, through reading the Reiki materials sent by Ms. Lisa Powers and through the verification process, Kim also realized there were many misconceptions about Reiki held by current practitioners. This is one of the reasons why Reiki is not developing as strongly today and why it is becoming less effective in practical applications.

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  • The Basic Mistake: Understanding Reiki "Reiki" is one of the energy sources that has always existed on Earth and in the entire universe. "Reiki" is simply the name that Mikao Usui gave to the energy source he connected with and used for healing others. It is not that the Reiki energy only appeared when Usui came along. He was simply the one who discovered and connected with one of the universal life energy sources through his own experience and spiritual practice. In those times, very few people had the ability or the right conditions to connect and use these energy sources, which is why he is considered one of the pioneers in using energy for healing. Since then, the spread of the Reiki method has led many to mistakenly believe that the healing energy of the universe began with Mikao Usui and that only Reiki exists as the ultimate energy source.

    You can understand this in the same way as naming an invention or discovery. When people discover something new, they often name it after the person who discovered it to honor them, but that knowledge does not belong solely to the discoverer. Knowledge is transmitted through waves, processed by the brain, and becomes a reality through the person who has the right conditions to receive it. This is clearly expressed in the words of the great inventor Nikola Tesla: "My brain is just a receiver, in the Universe, we get knowledge, power, and inspiration from one central source." He also stated that he didn't invent anything; he just transcribed what was going on in his mind and made it a reality, which became a gift to humanity through him. The modern world with all its conveniences owes much to Tesla’s inventions, such as neon lights, wireless electricity, remote control, alternating current, X-rays, radio transmission, and so on. But do you truly understand Nikola Tesla’s contributions?

    This is not to diminish the efforts of scholars and researchers who work day and night, but rather to point out that in order to achieve these inventions, they need to possess the intellectual power to receive them. Discoveries and inventions are also the result of energy interactions with different vibrational frequencies, all originating from a source we call a universal energy with absolute knowing. This deep knowledge about the universe is something each student will receive on their journey through Vashna MeenaKee. Returning to Reiki, at the time when Mikao Usui founded the Reiki school in Japan before 1914, at least four different Reiki healing styles were already being practiced in Japan. These included Reiki Ryoho by Matji Kawakami, Reikan Tonetsu Ryoho by Reikaku Ishinuki, Senshinryu Reiki Ryoho by Kogetsu Matsubara, and Seido Reishojutsu by Reisen Oyama. However, "Reiki" only really became more popular from the 19th century, when Mikao Usui developed more techniques and methods like the Reiju Kai that helped people learn Reiki and become teachers more easily. This is what helped Reiki spread widely to this day. If we go deeper, we can find many stories and evidence of energy transmission used for healing around the world. For example, in Buddhist texts, there are many stories of Buddha healing people by simply touching them, or in Christian scriptures, there are stories of Jesus healing with his thoughts. In Yoga, before Mikao Usui, Master Sivananda also had the ability to heal people through telephone conversations, calling it distant healing, not Reiki.

    From this, you should understand that Reiki is not the only or most powerful healing energy. Reiki is just a name that Mikao Usui gave to the method of healing with his energy.

  • The Next Basic Mistake: Practicing Reiki and Understanding Energy Principles One thing is certain: learning Reiki in just a few days, absorbing minimal knowledge, and connecting in a superficial way will not allow you to effectively connect with and use Reiki energy. Due to the lack of seriousness and depth in the current Reiki system, you will notice many people calling themselves Reiki Masters, but most of them focus only on being "teachers," with very little actual success in using Reiki for healing. When Reiki is mentioned, people will often only refer to calming the mind, healing the inner child, or alleviating simple pain, as though it's just a soothing therapy. This is not true to the original spirit of Mikao Usui's Reiki. A major reason for this is the incomplete understanding of the energy principles by practitioners, and the lack of necessary scientific foundations.

    One fundamental principle is the "conduit" principle. In reality, the recipient of energy can only connect with the highest level of energy if the person transmitting the energy can connect with it themselves. But if Reiki is only practiced superficially without mental discipline, without physical training, and without maintaining a clean lifestyle, it is impossible to avoid blockages in the energy transmission. Alongside true healers, many Reiki Masters in society still gather for drinks after a summer day, share meals, or engage in business plans, so how can their energy be pure and strong enough to effectively transmit healing energy?

    Moreover, most Reiki Masters you see in the media do not know how to protect their own energy field or fully understand the operational laws of energy. Therefore, when they use Reiki to heal others, they often deplete their own health due to absorbing negative energy from their clients. As a result, they can only serve as "teachers," guiding people in calming the mind, cleansing the body and soul, or soothing the inner child, but they cannot truly heal or address the physical and mental issues of their clients. They often justify this by claiming love, a desire to share, or focusing on "soul connections," but these are not enough to demonstrate the full potential and power of energy healing. This is a major reason why Reiki practice does not achieve the desired results, and why Reiki's application in life is severely affected. This has led many people to believe that Reiki, or energy healing, is just a scam by those exploiting spirituality, or merely a "sedative" therapy in the stressful, oppressive life we live.

Vashna MeenaKee

After a journey of exploration and refinement, with the intention of finding a path and a solution to bring complete healing to people, Kim has perfected and founded the Vashna MeenaKee method. Here, Kim only introduces the essentials, but for those interested, further understanding can be gained from specialized articles or through knowledge shared in the various levels of the Vashna MeenaKee course.

trung tâm usuha reiki, reiki la gi, reiki là gì, usuha reiki là gì, cách đặt tay reiki, reiki, reiki healing, reiki enery, healing energy, năng lượng chữa lành, chữa lành, healing, meenakee, năng lượng, usuha reiki, vashna thiên kim, trung tâm usuha reiki

  • About the Name

    Kim uses the term "Reiki" for a simple reason. Since it was introduced into practical application by Mikao Usui, the word "Reiki" has deeply rooted itself in society, becoming widely accepted and spread. The concept of Vashna MeenaKee is also a method that uses universal energy for healing physical and mental ailments in others. While Kim could have used a completely unique name to express the style of the school she founded, it would take many years, even decades, for society to recognize, experience, and accept it. That would be a waste of time. Meanwhile, many challenges are happening, and people are losing the opportunity to be guided and walk on the right path. Fame is not what Kim seeks, so to easily reach more people quickly, Kim is not hesitant to use the word "Reiki" in her method. However, once you fully understand and follow this path, you can refer to it as the Vashna MeenaKee method.

    By using the word "Reiki" and through studying the ways in which Mikao Usui spread Reiki, Kim has been able to create a vision and combine the MeenaKee energy source with her own abilities to further explore and develop this holistic healing method. Therefore, Kim incorporated the word "USU" in the name, taken from Usui’s surname as a tribute to him. The "HA" part represents the sound of a deep, comfortable breath, symbolizing the origin and foundation of life—breath. With these simple reasons in mind, Kim chose to name her method Vashna MeenaKee.

trung tâm usuha reiki, reiki la gi, reiki là gì, usuha reiki là gì, cách đặt tay reiki, reiki, reiki healing, reiki enery, healing energy, năng lượng chữa lành, chữa lành, healing, meenakee, năng lượng, usuha reiki, vashna thiên kim, trung tâm usuha reiki

  • The Core – MeenaKee Energy Source

    Vashna MeenaKee is a method that connects to and utilizes the primordial energy from the beginning of time – the original energy that formed the universe. This energy is called MeenaKee, the Source of Creation. It is a highly intelligent energy, far more powerful than Reiki or any other known universal energy currently accessible to humans. MeenaKee operates at a very high frequency of oscillating waves, carrying the balanced yin-yang energy of the universe.

    In Chinese, it is referred to as "Minh Ki". "Minh" translates to light, representing the energy of wisdom and enlightenment, while "Ki" is the flow of the life energy in the universe.

    Practitioners of Vashna MeenaKee connect with and use the MeenaKee energy to enhance their intellect, walk the path of enlightened awareness, and achieve balance in their Body – Mind – Wisdom – Spirit – Source.

    This energy not only improves health but also cleanses the body and mind profoundly, unlocking many dormant potentials on the path of awakening. Practitioners are not only able to help themselves but can also support those around them effectively and quickly. Therefore, no matter how the knowledge or techniques of the Vashna MeenaKee method may be copied, they will not be truly effective without the presence and connection to the MeenaKee energy source.

trung tâm usuha reiki, reiki la gi, reiki là gì, usuha reiki là gì, cách đặt tay reiki, reiki, reiki healing, reiki enery, healing energy, năng lượng chữa lành, chữa lành, healing, meenakee, năng lượng, usuha reiki, vashna thiên kim, trung tâm usuha reiki

  • About the Methods – Knowledge Applied At its core, Vashna MeenaKee is based on the connection to and use of the MeenaKee energy source. This method applies various knowledge that has been carefully selected, refined, and developed based on Kim's own abilities, combined with traditional Ayurvedic medicine and ancient Vedantic philosophy.

    The method is holistic, as it represents not only an approach to healing and restoring ancient traditions but also incorporates modern medical methods to identify the root causes of illnesses and provide a comprehensive analysis of the body's constitution.

    This is an energy healing method that combines a lifestyle of gratitude, appreciation of values, mindfulness in breathing practice, and personal development. Since MeenaKee is a primal and pure energy with consciousness, anyone wishing to connect and utilize this energy must purify their body, mind, and spirit. Without this purification, one cannot optimally use this energy for personal growth. MeenaKee cannot be used carelessly or without proper alignment.

    This fundamental difference between Vashna MeenaKee and other healing methods, such as Reiki, means that Vashna MeenaKee can have a profound impact on the practitioner. It can deeply regenerate cells and effectively address genetic or chronic conditions that are difficult to restore to their original state.

trung tâm usuha reiki, reiki la gi, reiki là gì, usuha reiki là gì, cách đặt tay reiki, reiki, reiki healing, reiki enery, healing energy, năng lượng chữa lành, chữa lành, healing, meenakee, năng lượng, usuha reiki, vashna thiên kim, trung tâm usuha reiki

  • About the difference The Vashna MeenaKee method is fundamentally different from REIKI, as it is not based on the knowledge or energy foundation of REIKI. There are three major differences between Vashna MeenaKee and REIKI:

    1. Energy Connection The Vashna MeenaKee method connects to and uses the primal energy source MeenaKee, while the REIKI method connects to and uses the Reiki energy. To make this easier to understand, you can think of it like this:

    There are many sources around us that emit electromagnetic radiation, which can be classified by the wavelength of the radiation they emit. For example, radiation emitted from the Sun is the sunlight that reaches the Earth, which includes many different wavelengths. Specifically, visible light (VIS) and ultraviolet light (UV) have different wavelengths and affect our skin at different depths when we are exposed to them, creating various outcomes and effects.

    Similarly, different cosmic energy sources also have different wavelengths, vibrating at different frequencies. Reiki energy is like a short wavelength, which only affects the human energy field (aura), creating a sense of comfort, reducing stress and fatigue, helping the body relax, and influencing the mind and emotions to reduce basic pain. However, it does not have the ability to affect the cellular level for deep healing.

    Because of this, throughout the long history of Reiki, there has been no recorded case of Reiki being used to heal, repair body damage, or treat serious conditions, rare diseases, syndromes, chronic illnesses, or difficult-to-cure diseases.

trung tâm usuha reiki, reiki la gi, reiki là gì, usuha reiki là gì, cách đặt tay reiki, reiki, reiki healing, reiki enery, healing energy, năng lượng chữa lành, chữa lành, healing, meenakee, năng lượng, usuha reiki, vashna thiên kim, trung tâm usuha reiki

The MeenaKee energy is fully capable of achieving this quite simply. MeenaKee is a primal, original energy source with very high-frequency vibrations, similar to long wavelengths, which can deeply affect the body's main energy axis and the central chakras. It can restore, and even regenerate cells in the human body. Therefore, using MeenaKee energy can help treat serious illnesses, rare conditions, syndromes, chronic diseases, and even genetic diseases—not just limited to relaxation or gentle healing like Reiki energy.

Not everyone can connect to the highest vibration level of MeenaKee to achieve this. A practitioner can only connect with the vibration level that aligns with their own vibration frequency. Currently, only Masters of Vashna MeenaKee, like Kim, can influence the root cells in a person's body. However, Vashna MeenaKee Therapists (who have graduated from Level 3) are certified to connect with the high vibration levels of the MeenaKee energy and can influence and improve issues such as syndromes, chronic diseases, and conditions that Reiki cannot reach. As for practitioners and students of Vashna MeenaKee on their journey, they can use MeenaKee energy at a lower level depending on their own vibrational frequency.

However, it can be emphasized that even the lowest vibration level of MeenaKee can already have a deeper effect than the vibration levels of Reiki, enabling it to heal the body and mind of a person more effectively.

This is not just empty talk; there have been many cases of healing chronic diseases, rare conditions, and serious illnesses that have been posted on Vashna MeenaKee's media channels for you to verify. Alternatively, you can visit Vashna MeenaKee Healing Centers to personally verify it for yourself.

trung tâm usuha reiki, usuha reiki là gì, reiki là gì, năng lượng Reiki, năng lượng chữa bệnh, năng lượng chữa lành
trung tâm usuha reiki, usuha reiki là gì, reiki là gì, năng lượng Reiki, năng lượng chữa bệnh, năng lượng chữa lành

You can view more case studies and evidence at the Evidence section of the website.

2. Requirements for Students – Practitioners of MeenaKee

As mentioned above, practitioners of MeenaKee are not only required to open the energy channels for transmission, but in order to effectively use it, practitioners must also purify and maintain both a body and mind that are clear and pure.

trung tâm usuha reiki, reiki la gi, reiki là gì, usuha reiki là gì, cách đặt tay reiki, reiki, reiki healing, reiki enery, healing energy, năng lượng chữa lành, chữa lành, healing, meenakee, năng lượng, usuha reiki, vashna thiên kim, trung tâm usuha reiki

Because of this, in order to effectively use the MeenaKee energy and continue to develop and elevate one's vibrational frequency, practitioners of Vashna MeenaKee are required to adhere to a lifestyle that aligns with the Vashna principles. Kim has also established the Vashna MeenaKee House system to support the community and provide guidance, walking alongside practitioners to help them build and maintain a healthy lifestyle at each level. The reality is that everyone has their own personal issues. Many choose to live with them to a manageable degree, while others choose to overlook them rather than actually solve their problems. However, with MeenaKee, we have the key to open the door and confront our deepest selves, with the support of MeenaKee energy and the awakened community of Vashna MeenaKee House. This allows us to truly address our personal issues, upgrade our lives, and live a life of higher quality and greater meaning—not just for the present, but also for future generations or for ourselves in future lifetimes. This is why it is considered a path, a "Journey back to the Void—a return to the original source," a path that no other current path can offer in the journey of human life. There is profound wisdom that represents this concept, but it cannot be conveyed in just a few lines to the reader. To understand it more clearly, you are encouraged to attend Vashna MeenaKee courses.

3. Knowledge and Teachings Shared in the MeenaKee Journey

The knowledge shared within the MeenaKee method is very different from Reiki. Students who participate in Vashna MeenaKee programs will receive a vast amount of knowledge about energy, medicine, science, philosophy, ancient purification methods, and healing practices. They will learn correct perspectives to broaden their understanding, human worldview, and cosmology, as MeenaKee is an energy that carries the wisdom of awakening within the flow of life energy in the universe. Practitioners will receive care to develop their intelligence and walk the path of enlightenment, balancing their Body - Mind - Wisdom - Spirit - Source. The MeenaKee energy not only helps practitioners with health but also intensely purifies their body and mind, unlocking many inherent potentials on the path to awakening.



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