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The Development and Branching of Reiki

The Evolution of Reiki

Reiki is an energy source that can be upgraded, and it's important to keep an open mind about this possibility as well as any inner guidance we receive. Moreover, over time, more and more new information from Japan has come from several Reiki researchers, and the fact that the original founder said that energy could be upgraded has gradually become more widely known. Additionally, some quite clear truths indicate that if Reiki truly comes from an infinite source, there must be the ability to receive higher and more effective levels of Reiki if one is open to this possibility. This applies precisely to techniques in Reiki practice and could be true for the quality of healing energy as well.

Reiki energy comes from an infinite source, and for this reason, no matter how healing energy has developed and evolved, one will always only be able to send a small portion of the available healing energy potential. The quality or effectiveness, as well as the benefits of a person's healing energy, can always be improved, which also includes what happens in the Harmony, Setup, and Awakening ceremonies.

Usui Sensei hinted at this when he said that he was not at the top of the Reiki healing system but just one step below. It is also worth noting that according to the Bible, Jesus—who many regard as a great healer and spiritual master—said that we could do everything he did and even more.

The Development Path of Reiki

Takata charged a fee of $10,000 for the Master level. She said this was a mandatory fee, and without paying it, one could not learn Usui Reiki. The fee was not based on the duration or quality of the training she provided and did not include the apprenticeship period. Her Master training duration was not recorded by any of her Master students except Bethel Phaigh, who recounted that she learned both Level II and Master within a few days. However, I have spoken with several of her Masters and found that at least in some cases, her Master training lasted only a few days. According to Phaigh, the high fee was to show respect for the Master level. However, the high tuition fee and the trend of not training other Masters by her Master students caused Reiki to spread very slowly.

Iris Ishikuro was one of Takata Sensei's Master students, and Iris also received different training as a healer. She participated in the Johrei Society—a religious club practicing healing energy transmitted from the hands. (It is also interesting to note that the symbol used in the Johrei Society is the Usui Master symbol!) She also learned another healing method from her sister, a practitioner in a Tibetan temple in Hawaii. After Takata's death in 1980, Iris decided to follow her inner guidance and teach at a more reasonable fee. As far as I know, she was the only one among Takata Sensei's 22 Masters who did this. The others continued to charge high fees for the Master level.

Iris only trained two Masters: Arthur Robertson and her daughter Iris, Ruby. She required them always to teach at a reasonable fee. Ruby decided not to teach Reiki. However, Arthur Robertson began teaching in the mid-1980s at a fee of $500. This reasonable fee allowed many students to become Reiki Masters. He began Master training with classes ranging from ten to thirty students. Those whom Robertson taught went on to train others, and the number of teaching Reiki Masters quickly increased.

Because Iris Ishikuro removed the price limit that Takata had placed on Reiki, she helped Reiki spread faster and eventually reach people worldwide. Therefore, it is possible that a large majority of Reiki practitioners in the world have lineage through Iris Ishikuro.

Arthur Robertson was a teacher of Tibetan Shamanism and also learned a healing method using several symbols and a technique similar to Harmony called Empowerment. This method was somewhat similar to Usui Reiki. After becoming a Reiki Master, he developed an alternative Reiki method that combined Tibetan healing styles with Usui Reiki. The Tibetan Shamanism part included using two Tibetan symbols—one of which was used as the Master symbol, and the Violet Breath technique. It also incorporated using three symbols from the Okuden level of Usui Reiki. He called this system Raku Kei. Robertson taught both the Usui system in Takata's style and Raku Kei, making them two separate branches in different classes.

Usui/Tibetan Reiki

William Lee Rand's first Reiki Master teacher, Diane McCumber, learned Reiki from Arthur Robertson and was taught both the Usui system in Takata's style and the Raku Kei system. While William learned both systems from her in March 1989, she mainly focused on the Raku Kei system. Later that year, I also learned the Usui system from Marlene Schilke, a student of Arthur Robertson.

By combining the Usui and Raku Kei systems, William developed the Usui/Tibetan Reiki system. This system includes four Usui symbols from Takata and adds Tibetan symbols and the Violet Breath technique taught by Arthur Robertson, totaling six symbols. William has taught this system since he began teaching in June 1989, in his first class, and continued with this system until 2013.

Karuna Reiki®

William Lee Rand was guided and inspired to create a new Reiki class after many of his students returned to him, giving him Reiki symbols he had never seen before and asking him to teach these symbols.

William then contacted some of his best students, especially those sensitive to healing energy and clairvoyant abilities, and scheduled a weekend to experiment with some new Reiki symbols. When meeting with the students, William prayed for guidance and asked to know how to create a class to teach the new symbols to provide beneficial healing energy to the students.

That process worked effectively. Between 1993 and 1995, a new Reiki style was created. Initially, William and his students called it Sai Baba Reiki because they were informed that three of the symbols came from Sai Baba, a guru in India. Upon discovering that he had not transmitted the symbols, William was guided to rename the system Karuna Reiki® and later guided to trademark the name.

Karuna Reiki® initially had 8 symbols for healing sessions and 4 Master symbols. After the birth of Holy Fire® Reiki, William was guided to upgrade it to Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®, making the Holy Fire® symbol the Master symbol.

Holy Fire® Reiki

In January 2014, during a session with Janice Jones—a spiritual advisor William had met 19 years earlier—William learned about a more refined healing energy that contained a higher level of consciousness than anything he had experienced before. During the session, William was given a symbol and attuned to its energy and was prompted to start teaching it as part of the ART/Master class scheduled to begin the next day. The energy of this experience was so clear and strong that William trusted what he was told and followed the guidance. The energy guided him throughout that first teaching session.

The Tibetan symbols, including the Tibetan Master symbol and the Tibetan Fire Dragon, as well as the Violet Breath, were removed and replaced with Holy Fire®. (All the Usui symbols, including Power, Mental/Emotional, Distance, and the Master symbols, were retained.) The Attunement was changed and renamed Ignition for the Master level, and William was later guided to the Placement process for Reiki I & II and the first part of the Reiki Master level. These new energy transmission methods differed significantly, requiring less interaction with the student while still producing remarkable results. Students experienced meaningful healing experiences and were delighted to be part of something new and rewarding. This system was easier to learn and teach and worked better than any healing methods William and his students had known.


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